Donations Policy

One Classroom is a registered 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization. Donations to One Classroom are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.

All single instance donations to One Classroom are final.

One Classroom accepts donations of $10.00 or greater.

If you would like to change or cancel a recurring monthly donation, you can do so by contacting One Classroom at: , by calling 1-314-406-4797, or sending a letter to One Classroom, P.O. Box 221447, St. Louis, MO 63122. Please include your contact information and details regarding you recurring contribution.

Privacy Policy

One Classroom respects the privacy of every visitor to our website.

We will not collect personal information from you when you visit our website unless you provide the information to us voluntarily and knowingly.

One Classroom will not sell, trade, or share personal information about our visitors or financial donors with anyone else, nor will we send mailings to our financial donors on behalf of other organizations, unless a donor has given us specific permission to do so.

If you provide One Classroom with personal information when you visit our website, we may enter your name into one of our databases so we can contact you to obtain your input, provide information about our programs and events, or request contributions.